Ed Performance Help Page

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FIRST STEPS:  What is my site ID?  Building Site ID's and list of location controllers

Download a PowerPoint Presentation to show to your staff about getting started with Ed performance

BCPS District Assessment Calendar website

   Ed Performance Checklist               

   Ed Performance Sample Reports       

NEED HELP?  Visit the Ed Performance Help System  (Loaded with information)

  Ed Performance Technical Manual    (a 210 page PDF)

  Ed Performance Frequently Asked Questions

  How to create a class in Ed Performance 


NOTE: SCANTRON changed the way data is reported in Ed Performance.
below are some quick answers for various parts of the Ed Performance data reporting.

              >>>> View an online presentation about the changes to how Ed Peformance reports data.

            Ed Performance Guide to Scores

           Ed Performance Fall to Spring Norm Ranges (scaled scores)

           Ed Performance Observed Gains Tables

  Using SIP tables

  SIP-Standards Item Pool    

  Unit scores are also SIP     

  The Scaled Score

  The NPR Score

Proficiency Report     

  The SEM score

  The GAIN column   

  When an NA applies